Tensor computer consists of motherboard, enclosure and wide variety of modules providing interface and support features.
Many different types of interface modules are available. User can select the required modules and this way to configure Tensor computer to match his specific needs.
● Enclosure size, cooling elements, internal and external interfaces – are all configurable.
● Any of the many Tensor-I20 variations can be chosen or a custom configuration can be built.
Use Cases Examples
Lab Sensors Processor
Tensor configured with 12 USB ports connected to digital pressure transducers, thermometers, and other sensors. Acquired data is processed by powerful Xeon CPU, relevant results are stored in built-in 2TB NVME and transferred to cloud through 1Gb LAN. Second LAN port and LTE modem is used for remote access and management.
Special Purpose Router | Firewall
Special secure router for 16 LAN ports, including run-time content monitoring, as required by financial institution.
Factory Automation
Assembly line controller installed on manufacturing floor. Including variety of interfaces for machine connection – isolated CanBus ports, dry contact relays on terminal blocks, USB ports, support for 3 display screens, LAN port, power supply entries with failsafe redundancy.
Greenhouse Controller
Assembled with four isolated RS-485 ports this Tensor computer controls entire greenhouse, communicating with over hundred sensors and control devices. This includes gathering data from humidity and temperature sensors monitoring air and soil state, light sensors measuring intensity and spectrum, controls for irrigation valves, heaters, ventilation, and growth lamps.
Wireless LAN/WAN gateway
Equipped with WiFi and LTE modems, this Tensor is configured to support wireless communications in local area and interfacing to global network. Tensor runs firewall and user-specific application to provide special-purpose wireless communication services.